band, gigs, mp3s, news, photos, updates 16 Oct 2016 remembering carl bennett former vengeance inc singer The first real lead singer was our good friend Carl Bennett (after a string of wannabes and just whoever said… docweasel 6 Comments
albums, band, live, tech, videos 17 Jan 2015 improved live album digital files All the tracks for the Vengeance Bad Live & Crazy album have been re-encoded from the source files and remastered,… docweasel
band, news 01 Sep 2014 remembering curt Former Vengeance Incorporated lead-guitarist Curt Smith, a brave and loyal friend as well as a beloved father, husband, brother and… docweasel
band, interviews 29 Aug 2014 transcribed interview This is a transcript of an interview I did with the lovely Dyanne Davis of the now-defunct online magazine RoadBand… docweasel