Electrical Worker’s Union Hall
Vengeance Incorporated :: history : keg party days : union hall
In June Vengeance played a massive party at a hall rented from the Electrical Workers Union. About 1200 people showed up but only about 500 could fit inside the building, and after playing their first set, while taking a break, a huge fight broke out and the band never got to play it’s 2nd set.
There was a video of the gig, however, Carl Bennett’s irate ex-wife destroyed it, along with all his band memorabilia. Unfortunately, I had temporarily lent him the only copy of this video and it was a victim of the destruction. The video was shot by our good friend Ivor Stenstrom, with whom we’ve lost touch, and who presumably has the master. Ivor, if you are out there, call us! We do still have the audio from that night, the best songs are posted above.
The band “Nightmare”, with future members of Nasty Savage, opened. Nasty Savage frontman Ronnie Galetti was one of Vengeance’s biggest boosters and leading hell-raisers at Vengeance gigs.