
Interview with Bjork Olsen, Snot Magazine, Sweden

transcript of a telephone interview

first published in Snot Magazine, Sweden, 1988
transcribed by Vengeance Incorporated editor

Bjork Olsen, Snot Mag: Why should anyone buy your record?
Guy: They should buy it if they want to listen to thinking man’s metal. Its as heavy as anything out there, but its got different levels of heaviness. Kinda like a metal lasagna. If you love music, even if you don’t particularly like heavy metal, you should buy our record.

Snot: What if they don’t like music?
Guy: If you don’t like music, perhaps you should buy the new Boys Next Door or Jerky Boys record.

Snot: Let’s say that they do like music, but there are about 100,000 albums released every year. What would differentiate yours from the others, or should people buy them all?

Guy: We have a definate niche I believe. Unfortunately its not a big enough niche to make me rich. Hey, that’s not a bad lyric! Let me write that down. (scribbling sound) Seriously, we have the heavy stuff, but we have the orchestral type guitar stacked stuff, and the melodic stuff, with 3-part harmonies, etc. on top of heavy metal type music. So if you like 3 part harmonies, you’ll like our music.

Snot: As opposed to Boyz to Men’s five?
Guy: Well, ours are laid over a backdrop of kick-ass guitars and pounding drums, while theirs are laid over a background of crap synthesizers, so yeah. Although if you are a 12 year old girl you may prefer that.

Snot: Do you think your record could help people?
Guy: Help people? Yes, I think it any music that people enjoy helps them. If you are going through a tough period in your life, music can help. It lifts you. It enhances almost any activity in your life. Music on the radio or on a CD player is the soundtrack to our lives, someone said. I have very vivid memories of events, brought back when I hear certain songs. To hear these songs now, puts me in a certain mood or timeframe. So yes, anyway I’m sure that our music will help a lot of people.

Snot: Do you think your record could save lives?
Guy: Hmm, I don’t think it would make much of a floatation device, if that’s what you mean. It certainly won’t make people kill themselves like some metal albums I could mention *cough*JudasPriest*cough*
Is that it?

Snot: That’s it. Thanks.
Guy: I have a lot more to say if you have more tape.

Snot: No, this will do, thanks anyway.
Guy: Can I write it down and send it to you?

Snot: Sure go ahead. I’m leaving now.
Guy: Ok, bye.